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Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage.
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August 17, 2022

We have some good news and we have some bad news.

The bad news: Countless tipsters across the country claim to have already witnessed voter fraud activity taking place throughout the 2022 Mid-Term Elections. They are reporting to us that the criminals in question are getting bolder and more aggressive with their actions.

Project Veritas journalists have even been told that, in some cases, these fraudsters are literally printing hundreds, if not thousands, of counterfeit ballots.

This begs the question: Why? Will these ballots be mixed in with the pool of legally cast votes?

That is just ONE example of the hundreds of new leads we are receiving daily.

The good news: There are still 83 days left to EXPOSE Voter Fraud before the 2022 Mid-Term General Election.

We wanted to let you know first that Project Veritas’ primary focus until Election Day will be bringing down the nefarious actors that are engaging in these elaborate and sophisticated voter fraud schemes.

But, We are going to need your financial support to uncover evidence so damming that it cannot be denied.

You know, as well as we do, that allegations alone are not enough.

We must catch them IN THE ACT and ON CAMERA!

We promise you that Project Veritas undercover journalists are the only journalists 100% committed to working around the clock to reveal evidence undeniably exposing these crimes at the highest levels.

We will do it.

Can we count on you to make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation right now to support our work to EXPOSE VOTER FRAUD?

By pledging a donation of $20.22, $45, $100, $500, or more today, Project Veritas will have the precious resources necessary to tackle every voter fraud lead we receive.

There is not a lot of time left – you must act now!


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BREAKING: ‘HiTOPS’ Nonprofit Sneaks Sexual and LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Admits Goal to Strip Parents of Opt-Out Rights

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August 17, 2023
More boosters on the way?

Remember when FDA executive Christopher Cole revealed the supposed plan for yearly Covid shots in early 2022?

We do.

August 14, 2023
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Dodges Questions Regarding WashingtonWay from Senior Investigative Veritas Reporter James Lalino

Tags in proxy to escape our journalist.


August 17, 2023

House Republicans will now investigate claims from a Biden official after he reportedly said he made backroom deals with federal agencies, calling the migrant crisis a “boom for business.”


August 15, 2023

“House Republicans announced last week another investigation into the Biden administration after an official claimed he helped non-profit organizations make shady backroom deals with federal agencies to house migrants.”

-Headline USA

August 14, 2023


Three Days After Our Initial Report, The Committee on Homeland Security Launched an Investigation Into Biden Admin Contracts Brokered by Andrew Lorenzen-Strait


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